re: the indianajim situation
re: the indianajim situation
Wednesday, 19 August 2009 9:04:06 AM
Why are you not responding to my emails? I cannot seem to contact you. This is a very important issue and needs resolved quickly.
It has come to my attention that IndianaJim is not from Indiana at all. In fact, he does not even exist and is actually a second account belonging to user FckVwls. While this sort of conduct may be acceptable from our regular users, it is most certainly not allowed amonsgt our administrative team. It is especially critical that we get this issue straightened out since we have been paying both of those accounts $14500 a month for 8 months now for administrative duties. I intend to pursue the lost money through legal channels, but may be lenient if Jim/Vwls posts new pics of her ass.
I trust that you will keep this issue between us so that we can make the necessary arrangements and changes in Boris's administrative structure quickly and privately. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible.