seriously what the fuck? who gives a fuck about israel? who gives a fuck about israeli shithead children and their fucking bar mitzvahs??? in all seriousness if you do fuck you. just read this tripe seriously "The Western Region of Friends of the IDF was founded in 1981 by Leo David who today serves as Chairman of the region and a member of the National Board of Directors. While the vast majority of support is derived from Los Angeles, San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay Area, the region has also conducted activities with donors in Sacramento, Napa Valley, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Aspen, and even Australia!
The Western Region has been a national leader in raising funds for a variety of programs. Our donors sponsor nearly 400 IMPACT! scholarships; have adopted 8 IDF battalions; have hosted 30 LEGACY Bar/Bat Mitzvah age children to summer camp each of the past 4 years and 30 LEGACY Soldiers each of the past 3 years; have sponsored SPIRIT Weeks for every combat battalion who fought during Operation Cast Lead; and have built numerous major capital projects."
and the jews control porn drugs and mainstream media so basically I think the human race is fucked.