slow and steady eradication of the middle class. less homeowners, more homeless, more crime, higher food prices, insanely high gas prices
# 2
'cleansing' of the way the internet functions and operates and ultimately, restricted access and availability. Joe Lieberman wants to revamp and restructure the net to run solely upon commerce. I can easily see this happening based on some of the aggressive moves the Dept of Homeland Security is making right now. They want to eliminate dissent and squash the beast. There is legislation before the senate right now which would give the President the power to literally pull the plug on the fucking internet. (LOL)
# 3
U.S. dollar will be diluted and devalued much like a penny stock. When the fallout of the housing and mortgage collapse begins to rear its ugly head, Americans will be in for a huge wake up call. Since 2008 we have been literally skating on thin ice. The IMF was pissed. The scams that went down on Wall Street will not be soon forgotten. Our (questionable) recovery will take decades. Americans will be reduced to a much lower standard of living than we are accustomed to
# 4
Tactical nuclear terrorist attack on either the UK or the United States. There is far too much weapons grade material floating around from the ex Soviet Union that was unaccounted for. I think its not a matter of 'if' , but a matter of 'when' some asshole smuggles in just enough enriched Uranium or 'dirty bomb' material across our sparsely guarded 'borders', and unleash an assault on our country that will make 9/11 pale in comparison, and subsequently push our country into a depression era and possibly martial law.
# 5
The mighty U.S. dollar will be phased out as global reserve currency. We are already a running joke with China, and the IMF is moving towards a 'new' type of Euro which will replace the dollar. The fact that Ron Paul is suggesting we sell off our gold reserves from Fort Knox and the Fed in NYC should hopefully pucker up your asshole to about the size of a shiny penny