cursed video...Wong by any chance would you happen to know precisely what color this is?
I have painted and re-painted my Baldor at least a dozen times trying to duplicate this color and-it's fucking IMPOSSIBLE to find. I have tried battleship grey from krylon and every fucking possible grayish blueish slatey fucking tone of everything imaginable-everything short of actually paying baldor $25 per fucking CAN of their spray paint (which I will do if I fucking have to but not before then) and-yeah, I lost my train of thought for a minute- it would be very cool of you if you could point me in the right direction here, I basically want to be able to buy a few cans of X somewhere and go home and spray my grinder and have it looking similar to the picture.
I am competent with a rattle can FWIW.
oh and I love you (in a non-sexual way.)