Being a moron is good in Texas, here is my Ft. Worth mayor and my governor. Jesus.
I mean really? This is the type of photo op that actually delivers votes. Firing a deadly weapon wildly in the air is equated somehow with being good at running a government. God help us.
how can you be anti-gun in light of the impending collapse of civilization as we know it
do we really need to talk about how the country is floating on credit and on the brink of imploding ?
Bernie Madoff even called the US economy (and I quote)...'one big Ponzi scheme'
I know that Texas is doing well in terms of job growth, but essentially 95% of the country is in deep shit and the US dollar is being diluted right in front of your face.
I can't believe you oppose any restrictions whatsoever on gun ownership. Don't be such a fucking pussy John.
These guys got my vote. I think every citizen in the country needs to start stockpiling weapons before we see the real meltdown.
Its going to get very ugly very fast and you better start stocking up on canned goods and buying lots of precious metals over the next decade because this country is totally fucked.
I fully support right wing homophobic rednecks promoting gun ownership
Gamble you are a smart guy, but I think you totally underestimate the size of the hole we are in. Sorry but our thriving corn exports and coast to coast McDonald's hiring sprees aren't going to save this shitty ass economy
Obama just hinted that we are pledging our financial support to bail out Greece lol. Which means we will borrow more money from China to help a socialist nation pay its citizens to retire at 45 years old
Oh and apparently a fat chunk of the 60 billion dollars we handed over to General Motors is being used to build a new manufacturing plant in....