Background: Before marrying Kim Kardashian, Kanye West dated model Amber Rose for a few years. When she split with Kanye, she started dating Wiz Khalifa in 2011, had a kid with him in 2013, married him a few months later, and then filed for divorce a year later.
Anyways, Kanye and Wiz are fighting today on twitter and Kanye actually played the "You Fathered a Child with a Woman of Questionable Morals" card. Kanye West. Kim Kardashian's husband. That guy. See, this is why I'm convinced there's a parallel universe. This is clearly a version of Kanye that doesn't know what the hell's been going on on Earth for the past five years. LIFE PRO TIP: Don't question a man's love for a stripper when you married a porn star.
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